
This site contains the references mentioned in the blog posts of the blog.
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[1] C. Hierholzer, C. Wiener, Über die möglichkeit, einen linienzug ohne wiederholung und ohne unterbrechung zu umfahren, Mathematische Annalen. 6 (1873) 30–32.

[2] R. Tarjan, Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms, SIAM Journal on Computing. 1 (1972) 146–160.

[3] G.P. Dresden, A130693 - OEIS: Powers of 2 whose digits are powers of 2, (2007).

[4] D. Wells, The penguin dictionary of curious and interesting numbers, Penguin, 1997.

[5] N.J.A. Sloane, A000079 - OEIS: Powers of 2: a(n) = 2n, (2009).

[6] N.J.A. Sloane, Table of n, 2n for n = 0..1000 - OEIS, (n.d.).

[7] A. Yaglom, I. Yaglom, Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions, I (1964).