Beautiful primes!

Ok guys, I got it! Spending a lot of the lifetime with primes is stupid. But hey, this numbers are so shitty beautiful!

Let`s have a look at the first primes:

$$2, 3, 5, 7$$

. You can already write so much only about this few numbers.

  • 2 is our only even prime. That’s fascinating! It is the basis for computers, the symbol of brother and sister, and the number of opposites in our daily life. Or more mathematical it gives us

    $$2\mathbb{Z} = \{\dots, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, \dots\}$$


    $$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} = 2\mathbb{Z} + m, \quad \mathrm{with} \quad m = 0,1$$

    How would our world looks like, if we have more even primes?

  • 3 is our first odd prime. Yeah, you could say somebody is odd (Although, I personal think, nobody on this planet is odd. It’s a stupid habit of humans, to say something like that about others.) and an amount of three of anything is mostly prefered by people by psychological reasons. We have the sky, the earth and the water. You only need three chair legs to stand stable.

  • 5 is our first odd prime of the general shape 6n - 1. A lot of children start their school career at the age of 5. You have 5 fingers at each hand and with our other prime 2, we get 10. Cool! We get our decimal system, based on two primes!

  • 7 is our first odd prime of the general shape 6n + 1. We have 7 days per week. Caused by biological reasons, the most creatures on our planet prefer this particular period.